stalking spring

I never grow tired of how spring seems to sneak up on me every year, no matter how closely I try and watch it, trying to catch every change, no matter how small.This year I promised myself I would document each change somehow. Everything I could think of felt excessive: journaling each change, Facebook status updating each little thing, sending an email, "more blades of green grass--GET EXCITED!" But, instead I've chosen lots of silent gratitude and appreciation and satisfaction and pleasure. So excited for what has begun.

While in Buffalo this weekend Beth called across the hall, "I can hear peepers for the first time." So, I opened my window and heard it too--a sure chorus of spring. Arriving back at the Farm Sunday we saw three doe which seem to have made one of the pastures their hang out spot; seeing them today I noticed the grass they stood on and munched has grown greener, so crisp and alive after the browns and muted greens. It sprinkled last night and tonight too and I had to laugh as I slightly swerved to avoid hopping toads and frogs spotting every stretch of the Farm's roads. It is truly spring.

I spoke with one of the farmers about my garden plot today. I planted varieties of tomatoes and tomatillos and flowers, specks of seeds in a sea of earth, now sprouting seedlings, and now wait anxiously and watch their progress--my trips to the greenhouse some of my daily sacred time. Some of the garden plots have been tilled for early plants/planters so I will be trial testing my first ever batch of spinach (hopefully this weekend), as I've been assured it's hearty enough to handle the still-to-come cool.

As far as the farm goes these days: they've finished tapping the trees for sap, boiied last batches of syrup and I believe are nearly done cleaning the huge vats. Also, my friend Farmer MacDonald bought a half dozen kids (goats), which he is going to use for brush clearing on some of the Farm property; they are super adorable and I've enjoyed sitting with them and being climbed on like a jungle gym--such damn affectionate animals!


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