risotto bliss

Since I have been moving and settling and shifting and resettling and cleaning and purging old junk, I've been remiss in sharing Farm kitchen bliss.

  In a short but sweet moment I will share the bliss of risotto. While Flava Flav was out of town last week I made my first risotto totally solo!! It was exciting and the end result was something that I was pleased with. Ah, such sustenance in cold New England winter! Risotto is the creamiest rice you can ever imagine; the pizza of the rice world because, like pizza, you can pretty much put whatever you want in it. For me the best risotto contains tons of sautéed onions and mushrooms, a little thyme, salt and pepper and TONS of parmesan, and lots of fresh parsley to finish--and this is exactly how I made mine!

The trick to risotto is adding the liquid  slowly (NOT all at once), allowing the rice to absorb it in a fashion which, according to this site, “lends its starches to the cooking liquid, giving the risotto a rich consistency that in some ways resembles a heavy cream sauce.”

 Here is a link to the blog A Farmer in the Dell and her adventures with her first risotto! 
Happy cooking!


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