a Cinderella story...kinda

Recently the Farm hosted their (sometimes) annual Gala fundraiser at the GORGEOUS Stoneover Farm. Since it is a fundraiser the tickets were a little outside my price range (being a poor farmer and all), so I jumped at an opportunity to work the Gala so I could attend for free. The owners were wonderful enough to donate the use of their barn, which sweetened the situation more than a little since this is one of those barns which once decorated is something (in my mind at least) akin to a fairy tale setting.

Neighbor P, S and I arrived around 2ish to find the barn interior taking shape. A gentleman by the name of Peter, who decorates movie sets!!!!!!!! (notice my excitement) was there setting up indoor garden scapes (for lack of a better term) all around the inside of the barn and near the entrance. And to top it all off, Peter had donated his services to the Farm!

While this was happening us women arranged tables, set up chairs, linened the tables, set up vases of fabulous flowers, vacuumed, rearranged things. In about an hours time the barn was transforming into something spectacular.

I left to get dressed at M's parents' nearby house and arrived back in time to help B2, RugbyGirl and Farmer MacDonald with valet parking and shuttling some of the Gala's elderly patrons to the barn. I was just itching to get back inside and see the decked out barn teeming with people and food. Soon enough we were inside sampling the catered food and  listening to speeches paying tribute to the guest of honor, a former Farm psychiatrist.  I found myself both proud and pleased as I overheard conversations where people commented on how great everything looked; feeling both proud of everyone's hard work, but more importantly that the Farm had seemed to pull it off this year.

The rest of the night went smoothly: speeches, silent auction, live auction, lovely desserts created by the Farm's pastry program. A DJ began playing music, tunes that traveled eras as the night wound down and found the Farmers present dancing with board members and donors to songs by Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake.

As quickly as the event seemed to come together it was over. We began taking down what we could; chairs were stacked, tables rolled away, linens gathered, flowers sent home with Farmers, cars loaded.

Somehow, in getting into my car--to head home with RugbyGirl and SS--I managed to lose one of my heels, which I'd taken off so I could better navigate my manual car. I searched my car today and still can't find the missing shoe. On recounting my tale of woe someone suggested that I'm like Cinderella and the prince will find me and bring my shoe back. I won't hold my breath until that happens...I will just search my car again...it's gotta be in there somewhere.


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