go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200

More nuts-sos in the news this week.

A BoingBoing article stated that,

"A judge has ordered JoAn Karkos of Lewiston, Maine to return two copies of It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex and Sexual Health, which she checked out the Lewiston and Auburn public libraries last year.

In September, Karkos sent letters to the libraries, including checks to pay for the cost of the books. The letters said, in part, 'I have been sufficiently horrified of the illustrations and sexually graphic, amoral, abnormal contents. I will not be returning the books.'

The judge has ordered Karkos, who is being held in contempt of court, to return the books and pay a $100 fine by Friday at 4pm. If she doesn't comply, she'll be arrested.

In 2007, NPR reported on the incident, providing several links, including a link to a letter Karkos wrote to the Sun Journal."

I hope that lady doesn't try to read The Color Purple. It's not about Barney!


Amos said…
No kidding- that is ridiculous. Where do these people come from??
They come from Crazy-ville...it is just south of Eatsleadpaintchips-awana! ;)
Anonymous said…
LOL! Very interesting!


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