This is too funny to not share. This is an honest to God email we received from Wayne State's Listserv for the Library Science Dept. "Students, A hotwheels watch was left in the LIS computer lab, if it is yours please stop by 314.4 to claim it!" Library and Information Science Program Wayne State University 106 KresgeDetroit, MI 48202 313-577-1825 Oh, and I found somebody's Captain Kangaroo lunchbox the other day in the bathroom, so please stop by to claim that too. What, is this person 6?!! When did they let Doogie Howser into the program? We Librarian's are an odd bunch. I wonder if the person is going to claim it. I would be too embarassed. However...if you wear a Hot Wheels watch to your Master's Program how much pride can you really have?