
I am flummoxed with life these days. And equally flummoxed at how everything seems to happen all at once.

After 3 years of going after the Board about getting our building renovated and an addition done--a failed project started by the Director before me--we are so close, though I am learning this is an annoyingly long process with LOTS of stops and starts. We are in the hellish limbo of them meeting our budget, so we can post it for construction bids--we are hoping to do this in October. But, then again, we were hoping to do this in September, so who knows?

Just received notice from one of my staff that his last day is in a month. Normally fall is slow for us, but with the building project, a Library Renewal Levy on the November ballot (and the speaking engagements that go with that!), and the planning of our centennial activities for 2017, and all my "normal," I feel like I'm "drowning, and someone hands you a baby." (Jim Gaffigan)

On top of the work stress I find myself in the midst of exciting life stuff. Chicago Boy and I, after 3.5 years, are talking marriage in 2017--NO RING YET, keep your pants on!--which means thinking ahead about my move to ChicagoLand, a new job, making new friends, learning new surroundings, being further away from family and friends, and oh year, GETTING MARRIED in the next year. It is all exciting, but all stress inducing too. I am trying to focus on the happy in it all. But, yeesh, feeling OVERWHELMED.

I've begun drinking green tea like it's my job. And deep breathing before I freak out. But this week I am just trying to get through today and tomorrow because Wednesday-Friday is OLC Conference and Expo!


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