Open archway of a cold night

Santa's visit was a blast with 84 people stopping by last night. There's something about the sweet, trust that children have for the magic of Santa and Christmas that is always one of my favorite things to witness. It's not about the presents, or being good to attain them, it's that the magic is so tangible to children.

As I seek out my own holiday magic, I keep re-reading this beautiful prayer that I began my day with:


Amidst ten thousand losses and swirling joys
At this very instant
On this sacred Earth
I wait.
Come to us,
Beauty, Wisdom, Goodness, Peace,
Solace, Grace, Counsel, Love.

Through the open archway this cold night
Air, rich as gold, flows.

Fine snow glistens on our faces.
Each flake,
Every exquisite crystal blossom
Is a covenant of your love
Told a thousand thousand times. Amen

-- Patricia Van Ness


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