mac n' cheese and our last day in Hamburg

The EPIC Mac n' Cheese
You know that feeling you get when you're traveling and you feel almost overstimulated by the amazing food you've been eating, but there's something a little not realize that what you're really wanting is some "home food." That happened yesterday. 

Yannick and I were supposed to run to the market to get stuff for dinner and today, so I offered to make Mac n' cheese--I based it extremely loosely on Mark Bittman's recipe--and what I made was pure magic! Normally I just use Vermont Cheddar, but as they don't have that here I used half Irish Cheddar, half Dutch Gouda. Oh my sweet and gentle Jesus!! WAY BETTER with real European cheeses. Nadine requested it again for dinner tonight. Yannick and I agreed. :) 

Today we'll be going out to see a few more things here, but we're going to stay in tonight and get to bed early. We want to have the car packed and be on the road tomorrow by 9a.m.; we're heading to Denmark, to one of it's islands that is a National Park, to camp and spend all day tomorrow and part of Friday.

From Denmark we head to Berlin where Magdalena will rejoin us (YAY!!) and we'll spend Friday night-Sunday morning.
Hamburg to Denmark, Denmark to Berlin, the last legs of this epic roadtrip. My vacation winding down. After today only 3 full days left. Sad about that, but a little excited to be home soon. Don't tell anyone, but I secretly miss Sticks. A little.


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