encouraging STEM loving kids

The big push in libraries and schools these days is S.T.E.M. (or S.T.E.A.M.) based curriculum
Science, Technology, Engineering, (Art if it's STEAM), Math--since we're apparently behind other countries in our math and science proficiencies. We began weekly S.T.E.M. projects last summer reading, keeping them on as periodic after school programs, and again as weekly events during this summer reading. Anything can be fun if you get creative; we've:
  • Built nuclei from candy
  • Built structures out of toothpicks and marshmallows and then tested their withstandability to a simulated earthquake--this simulated by placing structure on a bed of Jello in a pan and me shaking the hell out of it. The kids thought this was AMAZING.
  • Built structures to protect raw eggs, then dropped the eggs from 8 feet in the air to see how strong the structure was in protecting the contents
  • Created robots from household materials like yogurt cups and aluminum foil
  • Etc...
What makes something S.T.E.M.? Activities that introduce concepts of math, science, engineering, and technology to the kids. Anything that forces the kids to problem solve, work together, build, use their hands and brains to intuit. So many of our kids are so buried in their tech devices that I love just standing back and watching how they fumble through the work we give them, watch how they work together. S.T.E.M. activities are as important to these kiddos social development as it is to their mental development.

Anyway, I'll get down from my soapbox to share these two MARVELOUS, STUPENDOUS, FUNNY, GRAND, DELIGHTFUL, AWESOME (see how much I love them!) books that encourage S.T.E.M. and encourage strong, free thinking kiddos. Super pumped to give, Rosie Revere, Engineer, to my niece (since my brother is also an engineer)!


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