it's OVER!

Summer Reading ended on Saturday. There was definitely a collective sigh of relief for all of us. We only do 6 weeks, but our 6 weeks are chockablock full of activities EVERY day. So glad the rest of July is light, and I'm actually looking forward to the tons of meetings and other library visits I have to do this month.

Summer 2014 Stats: (our ages are based on where you'll be in the fall)
446 people signed up for Summer Reading:
57-Babies-age 5 (non-Kindergarten)
152-Kindergarten-5th grades
76-6th-12th grades

231 people (of all ages) finished, which is roughly 51% of participants

We held 73 programs over 6 weeks, with 1,787 attending programs!

We called the prize winners yesterday--over half have already picked up their things--and as soon as the local food pantry picks up all the non-perishables we collected during our Summer Reading "Food for Fines," my office will be clutter free again...err...that is except for the carts loaded down with books for Sticks Festival in September. Never a dull moment.

To those of you still in the midst of Summer Reading--YOU CAN DO IT!!


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