turtles and more

Turtle Lady showing off one of her friends.
Earlier this week we were joined by Turtle Lady (Nancy Lockard), who came to us from the Columbus, OH area, and who brought along a slew of animals: toads, a snake (I casually moved to the back of room for this portion of the program), dragons, and turtles galore!

Turtle Lady chatted a little bit about the animals, then let the kids walk around the tables and touch them when she was finished. The kids loved the show, especially when those wiley and ENORMOUS toads kept jumping out of their tanks to try and get out!

Some of the turtles
We received lots of thank-yous and "this was great!" from the parents, the kids were animatedly talking when they left,  and we had 87 people show up, so a good program for sure!

We would definitely have Turtle Lady back, and would definitely recommend her. Because we're about an hour and a half from Columbus she cost us $250 for an hour long show, but that included gas, so if you're closer to Columbus--check her out!


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