cool programs galore!

This week might be one of my favorites this Summer Reading because we have so many fun entertainers/speakers happening.
  • Turtle Lady: whom I already blogged about
  • Our local County Coroner (who also happens to be my doctor) spoke about the Forensic Science clues that dead bodies leave us. INFORMATIVE and FASCINATING. Low turnout, but those who came really enjoyed it.
  • History of Sticks Co. Cemeteries: a program given by our local county genealogical society (I hit them up for this talk when I donated our old microfilm machine to them in the winter)
  • Financial Literacy: Investing 
  • Star Lab: Imagination Station, Toledo, OH is bringing down a portable planetarium. COOLEST THING! We did this at my library when I was a young grasshopper librarian and I loved it! 
Inside the Star Lab: kiddos get to see the constellations
in the night sky, season by season.
Not only do Prairie Dawn and I love it because these programs give us a break from presenting, but it's also great that aside from Turtle Lady and the Star Lab, the other programs were FREE to the Library! These folks donated their time to us.

Kiddos crawl in through a tunnel that has inflation unit,
to get to the dome!


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