art and STEM in the library

robots from recycled items
Mondays are art days during Summer Reading:

Make n' Takes for the K-5th grade crowd, Teen Art for the 6th-12th grade crowd. This week found the younger crowd making robots out of recyclable household items, tin foil, and bling objects: stickers, pipe cleaners, fuzzy balls, etc. Such a simple idea, but the kids (and parents!) had a blast and were really proud of what they put together. WIN!

binary code necklace
The teens learned a little bit about binary codes, then made binary code necklaces, which they really enjoyed and showed off to me later. WIN again!

Tuesdays are STEM (Science Tech Engineering Math) days at the Library; Prairie Dawn and I were super pumped for this past Tuesday's morning because we'd farmed out the morning K-5th grade program, bringing in a group called Snapology, who say of themselves, "We provide a fun environment for children to learn math, science, technology, engineering and literacy concepts using Lego® bricks and other similar building tools." The program was super fun and everyone had a blast.

Working the LEGO freeplay station during our Snapology visit to Sticks Library
Tuesday afternoon teens were split into two groups that had to work amongst themselves to build a Rube Goldberg machine. One group did smashingly. The other group not so much.

Working on Rube Goldberg machines


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