Mo's done it again

We are always super pumped when a new Mo Willems book comes out, especially when it's that silly, funny duo, Gerald (Elephant) & Piggie. Willem's newest book, due out June 3rd, arrived at Sticks Library today, taken from the box by a very excited Prairie Dawn, who exclaimed, "ELEPHANT & PIGGIE ARE HERE!!" (She's pretty enthusiastic about most things--one of the things I love about working with her!)

My New Friend is So Fun! is a story about friendship, both new and old, but also in wonderfully illustrated, simply and lovely laid out Mo Willems style, covers that feeling we get when our dearest friends hang out with someone new that's so fun, so so fun! That little voice in your head that makes you wonder if you're replaceable and maybe not as so fun, so so fun! maybe not even best friends anymore...but also in Willems style there is sweetness and a lovely ending. I won't say more, because let's be honest, Willems' books are as much for us adults as they are for the kids and I don't want to give anything away. ENJOY!!


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