sciency Summer Reading '14 stuff

Went to a conference about Summer Reading '14 on Friday which got the creative juices flowing with all of the ideas for children's and teen programs that were shared!

Prairie Dawn and I will be sitting down soon to put the calendars together for our 6 weeks of Summer Reading. This will be easy, as 1. I've already booked all of our entertainment/speakers and 2. we came up with a good template of how the weeks should run last year; each day had an event that happened that same day each of the 6 week, i.e.
  • Make n' Take Mondays,
  • STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) Tuesdays
  • Movie Wednesdays
  • Game day Thursday
  • Fun Fridays: we rotated between doing things like face painting, or parties (Superhero Party, Prince & Princess Party, etc.)

We found that doing it this way was easier on us, and also helped the families have a better sense of what was happening on which days, because even though everyone was given the calendars of events, no one seems to read the DAMN THINGS!!

Thought I'd share some fun pictures of a few things from our conference:

SR '14 display/Mad Scientist Lab (there were fake limbs in the liquid--cool)
Doorway hanging swag

There was a Mad Scientist Fashion Show
Each team received a bunch of materials
and you had to make an outfit--our
team won, of course!
Definitely something we want to do with both
the teens and tweens.
Mad scientists getting their strut on!

Imagination Station staff member made a fire in someone's hand--
Imagination Station staff member made a fire in someone's hand--
I DEFINITELY want to book them for a future program!!


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