try to rest

We had the cleaning bug at Sticks Library last week. I cleaned out all the kitchen cupboards, threw away old food and ancient program supplies, organized and labeled everything; we've been going through old office supplies, consolidating things and making space in drawers; we've been going through old files and getting rid of documents long since expired, which led someone to this funny find. I give you, "What If Taken Hostage"--a document that speaks to a small town library's preparedness back in the 1990s.

My favorites are
4. Try to Rest--"Don't mind me, I'm just going to take a little nap over here. Hey, wake me up before you do anything, ok?!"
6. Escape? --"To escape or not to escape? That is the question. Tis nobler to stay and rest, or to try and sneak out the back?
14. Maintain Dignity--aka, don't shit yourself when you're scared. Maybe we should make a Dignity Box with back up underwear, just in case...


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