digitization hubs n' stuff

Just read this an interesting email from the Ohio Library Council:

"Cleveland Public Library, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, and Toledo-Lucas County Public Library were recently awarded a combined total of $508,457 in federal LSTA funds from the State Library of Ohio, matched with $251,964 from the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) to create a network of coordinated Digitization Hubs. The Digitization Hubs will be regional digitization centers with specialized, state-of-the-art technology to digitize and archive, for online access and hard copy reproduction, rare and culturally significant materials located in their libraries. Once established, the hubs will also serve other libraries, museums, archives, and local communities.

The goal of this four library partnership is to expand, standardize, and coordinate the digitization programs located in Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Toledo, and to develop a statewide program for digitizing and accessing materials of local and state importance...

  • Cleveland Public Library was awarded $189,751 ($108,999 from OPLIN and $80,752 in federal IMLS LSTA funds from the State Library of Ohio).
  • Columbus Metropolitan Library was awarded $188,219 ($55,355 from OPLIN and $132,864 in federal IMLS LSTA funds from the State Library of Ohio). 
  • Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County was awarded $189,464 ($56,600 from OPLIN and $132,864 in federal IMLS LSTA funds from the State Library of Ohio). 
  • Toledo-Lucas County Public Library was awarded $192,987 ($31,010 from OPLIN and $161,977 in federal IMLS LSTA funds from the State Library of Ohio)."

    For more on LSTA funds

    I feel like we'll be hearing about "Digitization Hubs" soon...though my vote would be for digitization pubs. :)


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