anything can happen

I was recently chosen to be an elector for the Choose to Read Ohio 2015-2016 campaign, and so, before I can vote in February I have a list of books to be read and consider; the two categories I'm voting on are children's picture books and adult fic/non-fic and I'm super excited, but now I'm staring down at my huge piles of books and wondering how I'll ever get through in time. So, I am focusing on the ones I'm excited for, particularly a Rita Dove compilation--studied in her college, saw her lecture once a million year ago, and love her still...

After all, there's no need
to say anything
at first. An orange, peeled
and quartered, flares
like a tulip on a wedge wood plate
Anything can happen.
Outside the sun
has rolled up her rugs
and night strewn salt
across the sky. My heart
is humming a tune
I haven't heard in years!
Quiet's cool flesh—
let's sniff and eat it.
There are ways
to make of the moment
a topiary
so the pleasure's in
walking through.

--Rita Dove


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