Thanksgiving reads

Anyone who's worked with me long enough has heard my bitter diatribe about how there are no GOOD Thanksgiving picture books to read with the K-2 grade crowd...yeah, there are a bunch out there, but for a variety of reasons--too long, too hokey, too boring--there are few that I actually enjoy sharing with the kids, and my philosophy is if I don't enjoy them the kids won't either, because I won't be putting my full gusto into the reading!

So, getting down from my Thanksgiving book soap box, I'll share those books and be THANKFUL that they're out there! The first is obviously silly and geared toward the eating aspect, but the other two share a little more about the Indians and Pilgrims side of things--the best of both worlds!

Based on I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, Alison Jackson
The kids LOVE this book. The rhymes are silly, but the pictures are downright RIDICULOUS! I laughed out loud at the picture of the kids bouncing on the old lady like a trampoline when that terrible house-guest gobbled up all the food!

This First Thanksgiving Day: a counting book, Laura Krauss Melmed
Though it's a counting book, I thought this was informative and a good book to use to ask questions of the kiddos to see how much they remembered what they learned in class before our school visits.

Corn is Maize: the gift of the Indians, Aliki
I love Aliki's books--so informative, but interesting too!


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