a final and very farmy storytime

Thought I would share the notes from my last storytime here in OHCity. I am moving today, wish me luck! More stories on life in Sticks to come!

1.      Intro myself and theme

2.      Music/Movement:
“Shake Your Sillies Out,”  #13, Raffi’s More Singable Songs

3.      Flannel Board: Who took the Farmer’s Hat?, Joan L. Nodset
4.       Prop Story: Many Colored Hens

5.      Music/Movement: “Jumping and Counting," #7, Jim Gill's Irrational Anthem

6.      Book 1: Barn Sneeze, Karen B. Winnick

7.    Book 2: This Little Chick, John Lawrence

8.  Music/Movement: “Pig on Her Head,” #7, The Best of Laurie Berkner Band

9. Music/Movement: “I Know a Chicken,” #16, The Best of Laurie Berkner Band
I had an entirely different storytime planned, but wound up with a young crowd...moral of the story: if you do Family Storytimes, always plan on activities/books for young and old. I also kept it short as the crowd was RESTLESS!


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