what do you do?

A recent storytime was COMMUNITY HELPERS:

“Shake Your Sillies Out,”  #13, Raffi’s More Singable Songs

Rhyme/Flannel Board: “Ten Fire Fighters”

Book 1: Lola at the Library, Anna McQuinn

Rhyme: “What Do You Do?” w/pictures of each profession (see below)

Music/Movement: “The Freeze,” #10, Greg & Steve’s We All Live Together, Vol. 2

Prop Story: Kitten Red Yellow Blue, Peter Catalanotto w/die cuts of all the different colored cats

Book 2:  My Mother is a Doctor, Simon Charnan, Patrick Girouard illus.

Music/Movement:“Bean Bag Rock,” #3, Bean Bag Activities & Coordination Skills

“What Do You Do?”  

Teacher, Teacher,
What do you do?
I teach you reading
And writing, too.

Doctor, Doctor,
What do you do?
I help when you're sick
With a cold or the flu.

Firefighter, Firefighter,
What do you do?
I help fight fires
That might hurt you.

Officer, Officer,
What do you do?
I help you stay safe
In all that you do.

Dentist, Dentist,
What do you do?
I clean your teeth
And keep your gums healthy, too.

Librarian, Librarian,What do you do?
I plan fun activities
And hold storytimes too!

Children, Children,
What will you do?
When you grow up,
Which job is for you?
--Borrowed from here with a slight adjustment:


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