hating on love, a storytime

Meant to share our resources from the week of Valentines (or as I like to call it, National Singles Awareness Day). My storytime was the night after VD, so we did love. And for the record, this was hands down, WORST storytime I've ever done. Sometimes the parents don't get into it, whatever, but that night even the kids were quiet and I just felt awkward as ass...maybe it's because the kids hate fake, "love based," holidays too?

Shake Your Sillies out: Raffi’s, “More Singable Songs,” #13

Music/Movement: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, #55, Wee Sing

Flannel Board: “Five Little LOVE Birds”
One little LOVE bird with lovely feathers blue.
He sat beside a red LOVE bird.
That made two.
Two little LOVE birds singing in a tree,
A green one came to join them
That made three.
Three little LOVE birds wishing there were more.
Along came an orange LOVE bird
That made four.
Four little LOVE birds, glad to be alive.
Along came a pink LOVE bird.
That made five.
Five little LOVE birds sang happy songs all day.
The five little LOVE birds spread their wings
And they all flew away.

Book 1: Knuffle Bunny, Mo Willems

Flannel Board: “5 Pretty Hearts” (“5 Pretty Valentines”)

Book 2: How many kisses do you want tonight?, Varsha Bajaj

Music/Movement: “If You’re Happy & You Know It,” #50, Wee Sing

Flannel Board: “A Circle is NOT a Heart” (based on the book A Circle is NOT a Valentine)

Prop Story: The Cuddle Book, Guido von Genechten w/puppets

Oh, Eric Stolz! Here.
Book 3: Guess how much I love you? Sam McBratney

Song/Movement:  “Snuggle Puppy,” #6, Sandra Boynton’s Philadelphia Chickens w/star wands (used our awesome glow in the dark star wands with the lights off)


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