cleaning up our act

Here's this weeks storytime: Bath & Bedtime Fun!

Music/Movement: “Shake Your Sillies out,” #13, Raffi’s More Singable Songs  

Music/Movement: “(Wash your) Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes,” #5, Joan Bartels’ Bathtime Magic 
Rhyme: “After a bath” x2 w/ motions
After a bath, I try, try, try
To wipe myself 'till I'm dry, dry, dry.  
Hands to wipe, and fingers and toes,
And two wet legs and a shiny nose.
Just think how much less time I'd take
If I were a dog, and could shake, shake, shake!  

Book 1: Bubbles, Bubbles, Kathi Appelt w/bubble gun 

Flannel Board: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed 

Prop Story: Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones, Claire Freedman, ill. Tina Macnaughton w/puppets 

Book 2: The Napping House, Audrey Wood, ill. Don Wood 

Music/Movement: “Splish, Splash,” #3, Child’s Celebration of Rock & Roll kids w/shakers

Book 3: Goodnight Moon, Margaret Wise Brown 

Music/Movement: “Silly Lullaby,” #19, Sandra Boynton’s Philadelphia Chickens  w/star wands 

Music/Movement: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” sung by us, per kids request 


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