the storytime that never was

I was supposed to do a storytime this morning, but apparently it was never advertised, so of course, no kids showed up. Thought I would share the lesson plan for the winter storytime that never was:
  1. Into myself and theme: WINTER (again...sigh)
  2. Music/Movement: "Shake your sillies out," #13, Raffi's More Singable Songs
  3. Book 1: A Hat for Minerva Louise, Janet Morgan Stoeke
  4. Prop Story: a shortened version of The Mitten, Jan Brett w/puppets and mittens (one small, one GINORMOUS!)
  5. Music/Movement: Greg and Steve's "Freeze," #14, Kid in Motion CD
  6. Book 2: I love snow, Cynthia Rothman OR Jacket I Wear In The Snow, Shirley Neitzel
  7. Prop Story: "The Great Snow," my retelling of "Papa's Teepee" from Handmade Tales, Stories to Make and Take, Dianne Las Casas 
  8. Book 3: Snowy Day, Ezra Jack Keats
  9. Book 4: The Snowmen Pop-Up Book, Carolyn Buehner OR OH!, Kevin Henkes
  10. Rhyme/Poem: "Bear in There," Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic (see below)
  11. Song/Movement: "Wiggle and Freeze," w/shakers, #10, Ready to Learn CD
"A Bear in There"
There's a polar bear
In our Frigidaire—
He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
With his seat in the meat
And his face in the fish
And his big hairy paws
In the buttery dish,
He's nibbling the noodles,
He's munching the rice,
He's slurping the soda,
He's licking the ice.
And he lets out a roar
If you open the door.
And it gives me a scare
To know he's in there—
That polary bear
In our Fridgitydaire.
--Shel Silverstein

Sorry for the huge, weird print and layout--I just need to stop trying to copy and paste from Word.


Brett Minor said…
Shel Silverstein is my favorite. If you haven't read it you need to find his best book.

"Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book"

It is brilliant.

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