
There is something particularly exciting about traveling somewhere for the holidays, no? Maybe it's just the excitement of getting away from this still strange-to-me-city. I can't wait to leave work at 5pm, get in my car, head north to Michigan; I am thankful for the 3 day weekend and seeing friends.

Will be staying with brother A3 and preggo sis-in-law Dayna tonight and tomorrow, then moving on to best friend L and K's for the annual Christmas night gathering of our circle of friends. Don't really have any plans this year other than Christmas Eve brunch at my favorite Auntie's house tomorrow morning and Christmas Eve Mass with College Kim. Dayna and A3 asked if I wanted to head to Canada with them to celebrate with Dayna's family and friends, but I passed. I am just not in the holiday spirit this year. I think I am just homesick for the Farm. I liked spending quiet Christmases there. Never fear, I have prepared--I am taking 5 library books with me and hope to come back next week with more reviews.

Merry Christmas all!


Victoria said…
Merry Christmas, Monster-friend!
Hope it starts feeling like home soon, say hi to L and K for me!

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