more to do

The Beatles - I'm So Tired

As the song title would suggest, I am so tired.

This past week and a half has been slightly overwhelming and busy and...constant motion. All this going, going and going has left me feeling tired and made me think of this old Beatles gem from the White Album.

This has been the past week and a half in a nutshell:
  • Last Wednesday: midnight train to South Carolina, 16 hours of travel
  • Last Thursday: 8 hour drive to Ohio to get apartment--mission accomplished 
  • Last Friday: 8 hour drive back to South Carolina
  • Weekend with sister A1, brother-in-law Mikey, niece S (7 yrs), nephew A (5.5 years) and Mom in South Carolina
  • Monday: picked up Mummy Dearest and headed to North Carolina
  • Tuesday: back to South Carolina, packed
  • Wednesday: 1am train ride (16 hours) to Connecticut, then on to Massachusetts
  • Thursday (yesterday): Rugbygirl and I drove to Ohio, dropped off my furniture, 8.5 hours of travel with strange mix of weather in PA: sleet, snow, hail and LIGHTNING!
  • This morning: RugbyGirl and I got back in the car at 7am and headed back to the Farm, 7.5 hours of travel
  • Plan of attack for tomorrow: finish packing up my cabin, hope to load everything in my car for the final move on Friday

Now you see why I'm beat. Will post more soon--maybe between packing up my little cabin in the woods, trying to spend time with people, and saying my goodbyes to my Farm life.

.P.S. Welcome new follower Montag! Montag, I appreciated your nod to Jorge Louis Borges.


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