but what do you do?

Some days being a part-time Reference Librarian is a little like Seinfeld--a show about nothing...Most days it is at this library because since I am part-time I don't get to teach any of the computer classes (that is reserved for thee full-timers), and don't get to do any programing because our library just doesn't really do adult programing--programs are occasionally done by outside groups like the Friends of the Library--is that weird, or is it just me?

Anyway, tonight was slow, but just thought I would share some fun stats:
  • Recommended/searched for/ordered 23 books for patrons
  • Aided patrons 9 times with computer or printers
  • Had a lovely conversation with an eldery woman about downloading ebooks to her iPad. She was super cool! And very nice! Hooray!
  • Assisted a college student in a hunt for 8 journal articles
  • Talked to a middle schooler about books she loved (mostly listened) and helped her find a saucy looking vampire book which she couldn't wait to sink her teeth into (pun intended, a thank you)
  • Booted a regular patron off a porn web site. Seriously, you may have gotten away with it, tucked back in that corner of the library, had it not been for you, Mr. Nasty Pants, hooking your headphones up in the wrong plug. Thanks for making sure we all heard the sexy naughty music. My night is complete!


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