on fire

Thanks Librarianista for the "Blog on Fire Award!" I'm honored. (Librarianista and I met in grad school in Detroit and now we're both Michigan ex-Pats, she's living in Canada and I am in New England.)

Well, I guess I'm supposed to give you seven random facts about me:
  • When I am sad I bake and listen to country music
  • Billy Collins and Walt Whitman are my two favorite poets
  • When I was 9 I wanted to be a doctor or an architect
  • I hated The Fountainhead until I was 3/4 of the way through and then I fell in love with Howard Rourke
  • Gone with the Wind is my favorite movie
  • I fantasize about quitting my job and doing a modern take on Travels with Charley
  • The worst thing for me about living at the Farm is being too far from my best friends and family

Now, the blogs I bestow the Award on are:


loves you for the shout out even though I've been a bad blogger lately :)
You rock Prairie Chicken!
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