the mmms of summer

I promise I am going to write about my vacation and post some more pictures, but until I actually have time (I am back to work in the Kitchen and also working 20 extra hours at the library this week!) I just wanted to share what's cooking in our Kitchen.

The walk-in refrigerator at work is stuffed stuffed stuffed (things sound more fun when repeated, no?) to the gills with Farm veggies; sometimes we are even able to eat veggies which are still warm from the sun, picked minutes before brought to us! Life is good! Right now the gardeners are bringing us:
  • chard
  • kale
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • scallions
  • cucumbers (green and yellow)
  • summer squash
  • zucchini
  • lettuce greens
  • basil
  • a variety of herbs (coming to us from our Kitchen garden)
I have also been donating tomatoes from my garden, my neighbor Jay's garden (while he's away on vacation) and Farmer MacDonanld's garden (because he doesn't like tomatoes! HOW!?) until the Farm tomatoes ripen. I wandered through our gardens this morning; careful steps, shins slapped with cool, wet, shaggy, yellow flower-topped arms; bees at work early, buzzing, doing their exotic pollen dances; socks and legs dirtier and soaked I left with my prizes. Mmm...there is nothing like mouthfuls of warm, bursting tomato bites!

Some favorite simple summer recipes:

Kale Salad:
  • Stack leaves of kale (trimming off stems)
  • Roll stack of kale into cigar shape and slice as thinly as possible (this gives it a fine, shredded look)
  • Toss with lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, salt & pepper, minced garlic and parmesan cheese to taste
  • Serve cold. Great with everything. I love this on top of burgers. Mmmm!

Mashed Cauliflower:
  • Steam cauliflower fattest parts can be pricked with a knife
  • Transfer to mixing bowl
  • Toss in a little milk and butter, salt & pepper, garlic powder (roasted garlic is nice; parmesan cheese is good too)
  • Blend in a mixer/food processor/by hand (going for texture of mashed potaoes)
  • Serve warm to hot. Great with anything.
*As you can see, I love tossing things together, trusting the palette rather than relying on measurements.


BossVza said…
Hello Guy , Nice to meet you.
Well girl actually, but hello BossVza. Welcome!

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