2011 means change

Lots of changes. Simple changes. Silly changes. Frustrating changes. Liberating changes. Changes. Hmmm, what's first? Well, I was given--by the Farm's Staff Council (staff peers, who once elected, decide on staff matters dealing with housing and pets)--Hitchin' Post, a little two room cabin down the hill from Avalon, the home I'd shared for over a year with TSO and RugbyGirl. That was on 12/21. I began moving things down that night, and with the help of B2, got my furniture in and situated on Christmas Eve. This year my Christmas present was my very own cabin, and all of the work of moving, slugging boxes by myself for 10 hours on Christmas day. Phew.

I am mostly unpacked, but since Hitchin' Post is so very very very tiny, I have been finding amazing ways of making my things fit: impromptu book shelves out of old milk crates in my closet; and not so amazing ways of making my things fit: mercilessly throwing away old, unusable, nostalgic junk; taking garbage bags of old clothes up to MH for the next clothing swap and bags of stuff to the Swap Shop at the local dump. It has actually felt good (and not as painful as I thought it would) to downsize and get rid of stuff.

And so, while I (im)patiently wait for my new pots and pans rack to come in the mail, and while I keep looking for a couch to fit my tiny living room, I also turn my attention to my next adventure: a trip to Michigan, my odd, mitten shaped home. I always hope for quiet time there, but it seems that there is always so much to do: College Kim and Uncle Jesse's Engagement Party, get-togethers with friends, family gatherings, celebrations for A3's birthday. Busy busy. But I am looking forward to the busy busy and definitely looking forward to some time away.

And  now, I almost feel caught up on all I've missed in blog land!

Pics of Hitchin' Post to follow!


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