imagining sustainability

"If we cannot envision the world we would like to live in, we cannot work towards its creation. If we cannot place ourselves in it in our imagination, we will not believe it is possible."
~ Chellis Glendinnin

Flowing through my head these days is the idea of change, possibly spurned on by the summer winding down; watching my cucumber plants begin to die off and my pumpkins swell with each passing day. So much can be learned of change just by watching Mother Nature make her graceful dance of it.

In all this thinking about change and the seasonality of crops I was reawakened to the blessedness of living at a place like the Farm where so much of our food comes from US!! Sharing some of this with a friend the other day spurned my introduction to The Berkshire Food Journal. 

Check it out and if you live in the area think about supporting one of these great vendors, and if you don't, maybe think about how you can support local in your neck of the woods! 


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