natural alarm clocks start the day

I woke this morning to the sounds of my neignbors yelling. But, wait dear readers, no harsh words or insults (or chairs) were being thrown around; rather it was the sound of our truly noisy neighbors in nature. Making their morning sounds, like vain singers in a chorus trying to sing louder than one another; such an amazing waking sound: warbling, screeching, cheeping, calling, tapping; bluejays, robins, thrush, mourning doves, orioles, woodpeckers and more birds than I know names for.

Today was our last perfect (and perfectly hot!) day before our cruise to sandy beaches and ocean views; one of those amazing (and tiring) days. It began with my waking to the wonderful natural alarm clocks outside my windows around 6:30 a.m. After coaxing myself out of bed, I walked down to visit the bees and ran into our neighbor, Gardener R, who was planting red onions--methodically and perfectly, like creating art. Breakfast in our sunny kitchen, admiring my own seedlings sprouting, made way to a day full of running errands for our cruise; last minute shopping excursions; a visit to the library I work at, to show it off to RugbyGirl and TSO; dinner; finally packing. It is with a sigh of relief that I am officially packed and ready to go.

4 a.m. can't come early enough. I want to be on the road, heading to the airport, heading towards the next great adventure.

For more info on Massachusetts orinthology.
Cornell University's Lab of Orinthology is badass!


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