choices, choices

When most people are planning all the things necessary for their vacation to go off without a hitch, I am thinking of which books will be exactly what I want to be reading on this very trip. A poorly chosen book read on a vacation, for me, can jade part of the experience in quite the same way that a sommelier's meal might be tainted by a poorly chosen wine. Yes, I am that picky. So, as RugbyGirl and S have been shopping for the perfect bathingsuits and sun dresses, I have been trying to think of which books on my list might be just right for me on this trip. I have narrowed it down to:

Desert Solataire, Edward Abbey
Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen
Death comes for the Archbishop, Willa Cather
The Lacuna, Barabara Kingsolver
Prodigal Summer, Barbara Kingsolver
A tree grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith

Oh, hell, I'm probably just going to take them all. I am still that 8 year old, tucked in the crook of a tree, on a hot, sunny day.


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