proposed Massachusetts library cuts

Massachusetts is dealing with the blows of an almost $9 billion deficit. That means cutting. Lots of things, necessary things. I can't speak to all the other cuts, and how those cuts will be devastating to the programs that will be affected; I realize that there may be other things that are more important than libraries that will feel the squeeze, but I am particularly worried about libraries.

According to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners:

MLS Designated as Regional Administrative Entity

The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) held a special meeting on April 13 at which it voted to designate the Massachusetts Library System (MLS) as the administrative entity to provide regional services to libraries and residents beginning July 1, 2010. This action was necessitated by a severe reduction in funding to the regional budget line. Please see the chart below for funding details.

Account NumberAccount NameFY2009FY2010FY2011 - Governor'sFY2011 - House Ways and Means
9101Board of Library Commissioners$1,042,269$938,042$938,042$914,448
9401State Aid to Regional Libraries$17,166,071$12,327,160$8,781,475$8,781,475
9402Talking Book Library (Worcester)$421,143$421,143$421,143$421,143
9406Talking Book & Machine Lending (Perkins)$2,241,016$2,241,016$2,241,016$2,241,016
9501State Aid to Public Libraries$9,989,844$6,823,657$6,823,657$6,823,657
9506Library Tech & Resource Sharing$2,799,104$1,929,238$1,929,238$1,929,238

"Several Board members commented on the sense conveyed in the report that the permanent hub of the new system be located in the 128 to 495 area along the Massachusetts Turnpike. They voiced concern that MLS not move too quickly to select office locations, and to fully understand the impact of site decisions on the provision of services across the Commonwealth before making changes. The MBLC will take an active role in managing the timeline, sites for services and the means by which services are located to insure that population and geographic needs are met."


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