Another crazy weekend

Another crazy, busy weekend that looked like this:
  • Dancing Friday night at one of the local hangs: Boogie Fever in fashionable Ferndale. A night of 80s music and failing miserably at behaving. This librarian took her bun down with full force. MEOW!
  • Saturday morning was rough, hitting the ground running--literally. Woke up at 7:30am (this after turning in at 2am-ish), showered and headed out to corn country for our softball championships. Our team wound up losing 1, winning 1 and then being mercied in our last game, which I missed because I was already headed to work for our Summer Reading '08 Closing party, which was fun.
  • "Smush smash bug bash" had lots of fun things for everyone to do: fold-out butterflies, insect stamping, bee hive painting, bug squashing (simulated by having the kids stamp balloons out (NOT one of my favorite games to play when slightly hungover), guessing jars, prize raffles and my favorite--BED BUGS!
    Bed bugs was a game where we had kids stand around and hold up a bed sheet which held a dozen or so ping pong balls (our bed bugs), the kids had to work together to fling the "bed bugs" off the "bed." This was actually very popular and left us all cracking up and sending balls flying in all directions!
  • Saturday night I babysat for best friend L & K's wonderful kids L & A, while they headed to K's class reunion. The girls and I spent a mostly quiet night playing Disney Trivial pursuit and watching TV--I was too exhausted to do anything else.
  • Sunday morning bro A3 and I headed out to my sister's family's house to help Mom start wading through some of the junk we packed up without sifting through when we sold our family home of 20 years. Mom has finally moved into the basement of my sister A1 and b-in-law M's house, which was renovated for her. She has her own kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom (and a shared office--to be shared with A1 & M). It looks good. My bro-in-law M did really nice tile work in the kitchen and bathroom, and best friend L's Hubby K did all the bathroom plumbing. Thanks K!
  • The day was spent cleaning and organizing, hanging with Monster niece and nephew, watching Sleeping Beauty for the 1,000th time and even sneaking in a little nap with Monster niece before dinner. There is nothing so peaceful as waking up with a child nestled into the crook of your arm. Life is good in these moments.


Kt said…
Took your bun down with full force...ha! I love it. Your social life sounds far livelier than mine right now. Do, do, DO go to your 10 year! Mine was weirdly fun. I was astonished at how people have changed, and I made so many connections - strange, wonderful connections. High school reunions are a buffet of the unexpected!
Lively isn't restful, and I could do with some of that this coming weekend!

Ummm...I don't know Kt, the nightmares kinda sealed the deal. Anyway, I have a baby shower with most of the girls I used to hang with this coming weekend. Which means I will see most of the people I would have wanted to see anyway, so I think I am holding out for my 20th!

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