no longer receiving mail from the Pony Express

Roomie M and I finally joined the new millenium and got internet at home. I am sitting in the living room watching Little House on the Prarie reruns and typing.

It is Sunday night and I find my case of allergies...and the grumpies...over. As always, that miserable feeling that comes with sickness has passed and it is like I was never even sick. I feel like the weeks have been flying by, probably due to the fact that I have had a lot of planning to do for Summer Reading 2008; since my boss, and another co-worker and I had agreed to have some of the Bibliographic aspects and handouts for the kids done by this coming Friday.

Time might also be flying by because I have been working at least one twelve hour shift a week for the past month, and also subbing extra hours on top of that at Library Y. This week is no different. Tomorrow I have a 9 hour shift at Library X (Toddler Storytime, followed by 6 hours of Reference) and then I am off to meet up with a few of the other librarians of Library Y to help out with their annual Battle of the Books for a few hours. I will be so glad when Tuesday rolls around and I have my last 12 hour shift for a while. The librarian who I was covering for will be back from pregnancy leave.

Still working on my display to draw attention to the new read-alongs. I am excited to see what it will look like when it's done. The theme is going to be "It's Raining Read-alongs." I also got another batch of five playaways on Friday, including titles like The Wizard of Oz and The Arabian Tales. As soon as I finish the read-along display I am going to start weeding out the VHS and books on cassette collections. Both collections do not seem to be circulating much and the VHS shelf is particularly full.

Otherwise, life outside of Library Land is alright. Yesterday was a funky day. Started off promising with breakfast and good conversation with Married K, but then somewhere after my return home to shower before work and work the day turned. Roomie and I got into a disagreement of sorts and then I was having some car problems. By the end of the day I was so Down-in-the-Dumps-Darla that I felt like sulking. But there is nothing (or few things) that hanging out with friends can't solve. Married K, Chris and brother A3 came over and we played a few games of Euchre and laughed until our faces hurt and it was into the witching hours before we called it a night. A good night.


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