got bugs?

Another weekend is upon us. It seems that the weeks are flying by and Spring is around the corner. Though we received another 7.5 inches of the fluffy white stuff the other day Spring is definitely in the air. The temperature while still clinging in the 20s-30s has been surprisingly gentle with the sun making its first appearances--from behind grey cloud--in what seems like the first time in centuries. Amazing how winter can be so awe inspiring at times; that first snow is delicate and welcomed, but Jesus, by the end I am willing to beat up my old neighbors for even a glimmer of sunshine.

This week went by mercifully fast after those long days. This week I had my weekly Babies and Toddler storytimes as well as one of my Afternoon groups were the kiddies come in and we read a few books and do art projects. This weeks theme was the ocean so I read a book called 100 things you should know about the Ocean or something like that, and my kiddos (had 8 this week--my biggest batch for this activity yet) made tropical fish sun catchers.

My kids fly through the projects really quickly so this week I was prepared. I made them help me with something that is soon to be a display in the Children's area window. I cut out leaves with our die cuts and had the kids use paint and their finger prints to make caterpillars on the leaves. Once the leaves are flattened (they curled a bit while drying), I will punch holes in the leaves to make them look "eaten" by the caterpillars, and then will hang said leaves on our Spring tree. I am not clever enough to come up with that myself I got the idea from someone online--sorry I do not have the name readily available for reference, bad librarian.

Also, had my Bedtime story group this week; good turn out considering the weather that night. Fellow librarians out there, do you ever have annoying parents at your sessions. I was reading the stories and asking the kids questions like, "what do you thinks going to happen next?" "Where is the cat going to go?" "Who do you want to win the presidential election," etc., stuff like that while I read, and there was one dad in particular who was so annoying. I think he was more into the story than the kids, which is fine, but he kept shouting out the "answers." There is something about that adult sense of foreshadowing that gives it an unfair advantage. Jeezie Creezie!

Thursday at my Baby storytime we all read the The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle--my favorite children's author/illustrator--and when it comes to the end when they list all things that the very hungry caterpillar ate on Saturday, like cake, ice cream, salami, a lollipop, etc. one of the moms piped up, "sounds like a pregnant woman," and we all cracked up. I love my job.

The Children's Librarians met Thursday afternoon to begin the first discussion and throw out ideas for summer reading 2008, which is themed around bugs (I can't remember the catchy theme title for the summer reading program, but it made me think of venereal disease when I heard it...thank God kids don't think like adults...or me, more specifically!) I will be switching gears and working specifically with Kindergarten-2nd grade, and looking forward to the change.

Alas, it is late and I am heading home for a weekend of cleaning and hopefully reading. I have started a book club with some family and friends and need to start reading our first book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, one of my favorites. Happy weekend!


Mummy Dearest said…
Hope your weekend has been grrreat! We missed you today: B1 and B2 and other Miniature neighbor couple all went for the 3-mile. Despite it being totally covered in ice, it was a lovely walk! Why aren't you here this weekend?!

Oh, and check your email for a good chuckle.
Mummy Dearest said…
Hope your weekend has been grrreat! We missed you today: B1 and B2 and other Miniature neighbor couple all went for the 3-mile. Despite it being totally covered in ice, it was a lovely walk! Why aren't you here this weekend?!

Oh, and check your email for a good chuckle.
Mummy Dearest said…
Hope your weekend has been grrreat! We missed you today: B1 and B2 and other Miniature neighbor couple all went for the 3-mile. Despite it being totally covered in ice, it was a lovely walk! Why aren't you here this weekend?!

Oh, and check your email for a good chuckle.
JennPav said…
This doesn't really have to do with anything, but did you know that Eric Carle is kind of a jerk? Well, at the very least, his assistant is. He almost kept me from making the deadline of my book trying to get permission to use a piece of his art. In hindsight, I wish we had just used something else... but teachers love to see that famous art.
I love Eric Carle...I hope he just has mean people working for him. :) I did one of my longer Grad papers on his art style. I love the textures of his pictures--he is to children's illustration what Van Gogh is to adult art. :)

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