tales from the young and the restless

Life has been moving at its usual pace, propelling us ever onward as a strong wind takes a balloon. Since last I wrote a few things have happened. I wound up getting the part-time Children’s (Infant’s-5th grade) Librarian position, receiving the call last Tuesday; she offered the job with the question, “Can you start tomorrow?”
And I did.
The position is only 20 hours a week but offers some interesting responsibilities that I haven’t yet had the chance to do, so I am excited for it. I am responsible for four regular programming elements:
  • Babies Storytime* (one/week for five week sessions)
  • Young Toddlers Storytime* (once/week five week sessions)
  • Afterschool Group* (1-5 grade)
  • Bedtime Stories* (Infant-11yrs.)

(* denotes a name change) as well as being responsible for updating the displays every other month, doing some collection development: working with the audiovisual collection for the Children’s DVD’s, audiobooks, and books on CD; and also helping with the occasional party, etc. I also get to work the Reference desk @6 hours/week.

Last week I had my first Babies Story time group (only 1 baby and her Mom showed up) and yesterday I had my first Young Toddler Storytime (31 attendees), and also began working on my displays for February—February birthdays of children’s authors, American History month, and National Weatherperson's Day (2/5) (I am really trying to have some fun with weird notable days so I can showcase some fun books)—and assembling the sample art activities for the Valentines Day party which I am helping plan—while doing this I had a “I can’t believe I get paid to do this” moment. I also had my first reference shift today and really enjoyed that.

Have not heard back yet from the other part-time Adult Reference position I interviewed for last week. Did however hear from another library about a position I applied for a month ago. The position I applied for was already filled but the Director said that she was impressed with my resume and asked if I would be okay with being considered for their Children’s/Young Adult’s Librarian position. Whoa…need to check out what I sent to them—hang onto that one! So, I have an interview this Wednesday for that as well.

Otherwise, life has been...happening. I went out of town on retreat this past weekend, staying at Subiaco, a beautiful Benedictine retreat house about 50 minutes from my house. This was my 8th winter retreat there in the past 9 years; my church group goes there every January; so being there is almost like going home, being able to scout out my favorite corners, mold myself into a couch or the loft where I can sit and write for hours.

I spent a lot of time reflecting and enjoying the beauty of being in the middle of nowhere--something I miss about my old life, which at times seems a million miles away. The silence is an opportunity not only for reflection and an ability to calm the mind, but it is also a time to experience the beauty around, the views of Michigan pines topped with snow, set into a gray January sky full of brooding clouds, a hardened lake, the tracks from rabbits and deer gently pressed into an unused canvas of downy white. All this wonder and reflections and discussions based on some of the writings of Henri Nouwen made for an amazing weekend.

In other news: I finally received the paper copy for my degree in the mail. So funny how receiving that made it seem more real. I think part of me was still expecting a call from someone at school saying, “Oh, yeah, we changed our minds...you didn’t graduate after all. Sorry.” Now all my end of semester nightmares about not graduating can make way for nightmares about inadequacy as I begin my new library job.

Also, just learned that B1&B2 and TSOldtimer are coming out for a visit in a couple weeks—YAY for friends. Well, I have blathered on long enough though, guess that’s it for today.


Eva said…
I am a native Michigander, and I used to go to Subiaco. It's such a beautiful place, and I miss it so much!

Congrats on getting the job:)
Amos said…
Hey, don't forget to talk about your strengths and weaknesses in your interview tomorrow! WINK!

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