Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day
by Elissa Haney
Earth Day was established in 1970 at a time when social activism was at a high. U.S. senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.), recognized a growing environmental concern that had barely been addressed by the legislature. In setting aside April 22 to recognize human impact on the environment, Nelson hoped first and foremost to raise the awareness of politicians.Nelson certainly achieved his goal. More than 20 million Americans participated in this first Earth Day celebration, causing voter-hungry politicians to take notice. The overwhelming response helped generate a new political focus on the environment. As that focus has become increasingly global, more people than ever are celebrating Earth Day around the world.

I am in charge of a group at my church called the Earth Care Ministry, so for Earth Day we decided with so many options to choose from, we will stick with energy, and more specifically LIGHTBULBS...dah dah dah dah!! We sold "green" light bulbs, offered information on the savings in cost and energy, etc., also handed out pre-stamped baggies for ink jet recycling, tried to get people to sign up for "Adopt-a-Road," a twice a year pick-up-trash-extravaganza. I beamed with pride when people thanked us for selling the bulbs and handing out info. Remember, we can all make a difference!! Saving this planet for future generations is OUR PROBLEM!!


Mummy Dearest said…
Yay, earth day! Know what i did on earth day? i researched suv's to buy. i'm bad, bad.

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