this led to that

Holy cats! 2009 is the year for anniversaries and 40 is the number : Sesame Street Monty Python the Internet Abbey Road, The Beatles Woodstock Walking on the Moon -Apollo 11 on the Moon This year is also the 40th Anniversary of when the Norman Rockwell Museum opened, and that is a good segue into where I found myself yesterday; hanging out with TSO's family. TSO's Mom, Dad and two sisters A & A were here for the weekend, staying with us at the Farm. Thanks to the Museum pass program-- library shout out !--TSO's family of 5 and I were able to get into the Norman Rockwell Museum for free. I was ambiguous as to whether or not I wanted to go the museum, as I have been many times, but wound up going because TSO forgot the free tickets on the coffee table. As always, I was pleased with the quiet solitude I can find for myself in a museum, and also found the new exhibit to be of some interest ("Behind the Camera," an exhibit documenting Rockwell's use of pho...