Halloween reads
I love Halloween. It is absolutely my favorite holiday; no pressure to bring a date to the family meal, no feeling alone and unkissable at midnight. Just dressing up and being whatever you want to be, showing off your costume cleverness, or inner slutty nurse, or your mad zombie make-up skills! Since it's Halloween and I haven't already posted something, thought I'd share a few fun Halloween-worthy books...you still have time for these! For the young crowd: Frankensquare , Kelly Asbury Super cute board book! And Happy Halloween, Curious George For the Pre-school/Kindergareten crowd: Go Away, Big Green Monster! Ed Emberly A fun story about not being afraid. The kids love that the monster grows and disappears before their eyes--we had a really great flannel board for this at my old library, need to get one for Sticks! For the Younger Elementary crowd: Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat , Stan & Jan Berenstain This came out ...