come and knock on our door...
Got back from my great, very relaxing weekend in PA to discover that almost everyone in the Kitchen (as well as all over the Farm) has been sick with a cold, probably due to this COLD New England fall we have been hit with. This means working a little harder to pick up the slack of those missing that day, but that only seems to make the day go by faster and that is alright with me. Also, a couple weeks back I was out of work for a week due to an old back injury that had flared up with all our moving, so today it was with some trepidation that I started physical therapy. The woman is great and the facility seems nice. I like that my PT has this no nonsense attitude and has given me "homework," being the stretches that I need to be doing to set things aright--very I am like "injured Japanese maple meets dog eared notebook stretching," or whatever yoga people call their moves. We'll see how things go. On the homefront, TSO, Rugby Girl and I are all s...