Long after the Cold War
In a blog the Effing Librarian wrote the other day he spoke of not trusting anyone under 30. I thought about the things he had to say and I agree...I hate that people in my age group are part of this digital machine; seemingly not able to eat, sleep, or poop without having to text (or Heaven forbid) send someone a picture about it. However, as I posted in Effing's comments section, I consider myself to be more akin to those of an older generation, partly because I was raised (until Grad school, really) as a technological retard, and also because I grew up in a family that demanded communication. Unlike many people today, our communication came in the form of "pass the taters please" (" What's taters, Precious? "), as opposed to "BFF pass t spuds...WTF...LOL..."or whatever people text each other (I hate those new damn commercials!) Then, thinking about what might separate some of us generationally, I found this super website, where you put in your ...